Monday, April 29, 2013

First Summer Update of 2013

Greetings and Salutations BECKOM NATION, and a warm welcome to all of my new followers! To my new readers a cautionary note; my blog is written with a general conversation flow and not as to receive an A in an English Composition course. Oh and one more thing do tend to create new words that are easily found in the Becktionary! lol
I am your kind, humble, and gracious host THEE Jesse Beckom III. Thank you for tuning into another installment of my Bobsled life. WYLD STALLYNS Rule!

I’m back out in Colorado Springs, Co. and the training is going great! Being that our annual Push Championships has been moved up from October to August, my timeline for training has been moved up as well. That being the case I’m currently entering my sixth week of intensive training here at the Olympic Training Center. For those of you who are new to my blog and are wondering as a bobsled athlete how and what I do to train for bobsled in the summer…I will tell you. I WORKOUT!! WIGGLE! WIGGLE! WIGGLE! Look at my body! I WORKOUT! Its ok, I know some of you are laughing!

Toward the end of the season I had a great talk with one of my bobsled coaches about off-season training and how to improve my performance. I have integrated those concepts into my training and, although it is early in the off-season, I do see the difference in my pushing. I am confident that with the information I received from my bobsled coach, along with the daily guidance of my strength and conditioning coach, I will be physically capable of achieving all my goals this season! Being that it is Olympic Year I won’t talk much about the changes that are being made because I know that someone I compete with might read my blog and be saying, "What new thing can Jesse be doing to get better that I don’t know about? " The answer is, you will see! I will build a better Jesse Beckom III the likes the World has ever seen! Boom! Yeah…that did just happen!

If you can’t tell, I extremely excited for the changes I’m making and I can’t wait to get after it this year! Please follow this link to view this year’s full Bobsled schedule

Although I have been unable to find a summer position in city planning I have started working at the Olympic Training Center as a tour guide to help me try and offset some of my training expenses. God willing everything will work out for me to acquire the resources that I need to make essential training trips out to Park City, UT; Lake Placid, NY; and Calgary, Canada this off-season. In order to streamline donations, I’ve added a PayPal donation button to my web-site and blog page, making it easier for potential sponsors to donate. I am definitely in need of sponsors so please feel free to direct those person(s) and or corporation(s) to this sponsorship link on my web page.

Quick Story
Oh! Since I have been working as a tour guide I have some really great funny stories to share with you all later. However, I do have one interesting/fun story to tell now. On occasion, the USOC has different business groups that come in for team building activities which include meeting athletes on campus and or having dinner with them as well. Two weeks ago Devin Wenig President of eBay marketplaces and his Executive Staff including Mark Carges CTO and SVP; Steve Boehm SVP; Sarah Brubacher Director of Top Seller Development; Chris Tsakalakis President of Stubhub; Wendy Jones VP and others from eBay came out to the training center for their team event. I and a few other athletes went out to dinner with this group; while at dinner, we got to chat with a number of these executives who took a sincere interest in what we were working to accomplish. This feeling of sincerity resonated with me along with the other athletes that were there. We all had done these types of events before in the past, but this time it felt different, in a great way! The next day after the dinner I and the other athletes were paired with an eBay executive. For about an hour and half we got to pick the minds of these elite businessmen and women! Needless to say I was excited. It’s not often one gets the opportunity to talk with leaders in the business world who are on top of their game. In my mind it’s a match main in heave; we specialize in becoming the best in the world in our sport and they specialize in becoming the best in the world in their industry. If these are not some of the people you would jump at a chance to speak with, then I’m not sure who else qualifies!

I had a great one-on-one conversation with Steve Boehm about life and business. Without going into detail on exactly what was discussed, Steve provided me with some solid advice on overcoming hurdles in business, sports and life in general. It was a growing experience for me and I thank God for putting me in the position to have it. In addition, it was comforting that each executive we spoke with valued our sacrifice as athletes and expressed how the dedication, determination, and leadership qualities we possess is valued in the business world. In addition, this meeting was truly special because it effectively dispelled any stereotypes that we, as athletes, may have held about persons helping to lead major corporations and vice versa.

Well, that’s all I have for this installment have a great day and thanks again for reading my blog.

God Bless,



Jesse & Addie Beckom; Mark and Tina Fornwald; Ulanka Beckom; Venus Beckom; Denise Beckom;

Barbara Heron; NOW Sports Nutrition and  Shutout Solutions