Saturday, March 14, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Surgery.....I Stand Before Thee
Little background info I am having surgery on both my lower legs for what has been termed "Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome". This lead to poor flexability in my legs, added with a loss of muscle stregth at different periods. Please try to hold of your basically the muscles in my lower leg got to big for the compartments that house them. The doctor went into my legs and cut away some of the fascia that encases my muscles so they can fully expand the way they need to.
After a night of dancing like it was my job It was off to Saranac Lake to have surgery performed by our team doctor Dr.Byrne!!! This is one of those moments where I know I need to get the surgery but not necessarily excited to have it. It was not the actual fact that I had to be cut open but more so the thought of not being able to walk and run on my power for a while, let alone not being able to really lift for 8 WEEKS! WE ARE TALKING 8 WEEKS HERE PEOPLE!!! I have NEVER gone 1 week without stepping in a weight room and doing something! So this whole 8 week thing is definitely going to be a little different for me to say the least!
In order to make the trip to the hospital easy or more, two of my older sisters Ulanka and Tina drove me to the Hospital. Well actually Tina drove and Ulanka sat in the back trying to figure out where in the boonies she was!! LOL Sorry Ulanka.....and she had a GPS UNIT! lol Guess getting lost runs in our family....well that is unless you talk to pops!! but he would not admit to it anyway, and I digress! Oh and for those who every wonder why I do not use the the semi-colon and the colon in my writing much at all it because nothing about me says Semi and come on the word colon speaks for its self and....its my email! SO HA!!! HA! HA! HA! THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! (giving full credit to the writers of 300....P.S I have no money to sue me for) But, I do admit it was cool having my sisters in the hospital with me! Save the Awwwwwwwwww's people "Seriously"
I checked in to the hospital on Monday 02, 2009at 8:30 am to receive the instructions of where I need to go for 10:40 am scheduled surgery. My sisters and I walked down to the surgery waiting room, shortly a nurse comes in and walks us down to one of those curtained off rooms with a hospital bed and a few chairs in it. Evidently the nurse assumed that one of my sister's was my wife or girlfriend because she offered them to stay in the room while I changed into my hospital garments....umm yeah my sisters let her know it was not that type of party!
After I changed out of my street clothes my sisters and the nurse all reentered the room. The nurse begins to tell me about options for anesthesia that are available to me. The first option was for me to be awake and administered an epidural that would numb me from the chest down, they would also place screen in front of my waist so I can not see the actual surgery. Second, was to be completely knocked out and a tube placed down my throat so I can breathe. YOU know what I am thinking....TUBE down MY throat? I can just see it now.... some med school student shoving a tube down my throat Screaming Out DOCTOR!!! I Need Some Help I Think The Tube Is Stuck On His Lungs AGAIN!! Naw Miss Nurse I will pass on that option. LOL The final option, was to be given a lesser form of sedation that would allow me to breathe without any assistance, and administered the epidural that would numb me from the waist down. I actually wanted the first option of being awake through the surgery, in talking with the nurse this was not an option since I was having both legs done. In the end I chose the third option.
The nurse continued to question me about my health history and etc. She asked if I had any other questions, which I really did not have since I had been talking to Dr. Bryne and my trainers all week. My nurse made the fatal error of thinking just because I.... did not have any questions that here job of answering was done! Poor Poor Nurse Do You NOT SEE MY SISTERS OVER IN THE CORNER JUST ITCHING TO ASK YOU EVERYTHING FROM HERE TO THERE!!! LOL I have to admit I was just waiting for my sisters to strike cause I knew they would! Now just for the record, NONE of my sister are soft by any means (One was in the Marines, One in the Army, One a school teacher you would not want to cross, and One who is currently a Chief in the Navy!) and they WISH....(They Have Dreams About People Getting Out Of Line Just To Give Them A Reason to Do Something) someone would try to get something over on their little brother! lol It was like watching a tag team wrestling match! My sister Ulanka (Navy) would ask a question and before the nurse could answer Tina (Army) would add a little bit and vice versa!!! It was brilliant, they even made the nurse go find a form that enabled family members to call in and ask intimate questions about my surgery and status. The nurse did not even know that such a form existed....How Great is That!!! I was Like What! Mmmmhhmmmm that's right I brought some SOLDIERS up in here with me today!! "SHOCK AND AWE BABE" "SHOCK AND AWE"!!! I guess God figured that I needed a little more humor in my life because after my sisters got done shinning the flash light in the nurses eyes, here comes the anesthesiologist! Yup Round 2 Babe! Actually, this guy was ready for the questions and was pretty happy to answer making it slightly less amusing but my sisters hit him up with questions anyway. The anesthesiologist repeated my different options about the surgery with a little more detail about the Anastasia I would be receiving. After he left Doctor Byrne came in marked on my legs information regarding the surgery answered a couple of questions, then reluctantly took my sister's camera so pictures could be taken of the procedure. These pictures can be viewed at on my "Media" page. The Minster of the North Country Ministries Pastor Derek Spain was also at the hospital with me before the surgery to keep me company and to say a prayer for me before I went in to play with Edward Scissor Hands! LoL I also thought that was pretty cool!
Once Doc left the anesthesiologist came back administered the anesthesia, then wheeled me into the operating room. Once in the operating room he asked me to move over to the operating table, had me sit up so they can administer the epidural and that is all I remember until I woke up! The Kid was OUT COLD!
Being that I have a sets of three stitches in each of my legs now I can only assume that while I was sleeping Doc did what he needed to do! The funny thing about waking up after surgery is that your vision is not really as clear as it should be. Personally for me I felt like I was in a dream sequence of some sort, I mean things are happening around me that I have no control over. I hear nurses talking to me and can barely make them out. I asked for water and a nurse rubbed some weird water filled sponge across my lips....Yeah exactly! I thought I was going crazy so I asked for water again! Sure enough she hit me the sponge! lol My throat is dry as the Gobi Desert and this nurse keeps hitting me the sponge! What is this all about. All I am thinking is you are so lucky I can not move my arms right now cause I would throw that sponge across the room so would make her head spin, and she would break her neck trying to get me a glass of water! Now to add to my feeling of craziness, someone thought it was a good ideal to have two nurses named Patty helping me as I come back to consciousness. So me being the brilliant person I am I asked these two women their names about five different times a piece, wondering why is the name the same but I SWEAR THIS WOMAN FACE IS CHANGING EVERY TIME I ASK HER WHAT HER NAME IS. Keep in mind I half way awake and the other half of me is playing in the field of dreams with Papa Smurf and He-Man! I do not know whats going on except in that in this new land I am all the water has turned into sponges, every woman has the same name!! lol
The nurses rolled me back to my room where I slowly start to phase back into reality. By this time my sister Tina and her family are on there way back home and my sister Ulanka was on her way back to the hospital. Ulanka had already made plans to stay in town till Thursday just in-case I needed anything after surgery! Pretty cool once again! At 4:30pm my mind finally decides to fully come back to this plane of existence, with my appetite bringing up the rear! I see one of the nurses in my room and I ask her can I have some food? She says to me" you just got out of surgery you should get some rest!" EXCUSE ME!? Does She Not Know I Have Not Eaten Since Last Night! I inform her that I have had plenty of sleep and I need some food because I have not eating anything since 12am the previous night! She complies and ends up grabbing me a turkey club from the Hospital Cafeteria. About two hours later I get a text message from my friend Julie letting me know that her and some of the other girls on the team are coming to visit me. Being that Julie knows my strict diet she asks.............SO, what do you want from McDonald's? YES!!! THANK YOU JULZ!! I would like two cheeseburgers, fries and a drink please! They show up with my McDonald's a pound bag of M&M's, and a bag of Gummie Worms!!!!! I am GOOD real GOOD right now! It was sweet that they came to hospital and chilled with me for a bit.
After they left one of the nurses came by and asked me if I had gone to the bathroom yet (bathroom being that little portable plastic container that they give men)? I told he no I have not yet gone. She tells me "You have until 11:30pm to go" Say what? What do you mean I have until 11:30.....I am like what happens at 11:30? She tells me that if I have not gone by then they would have give me a decatheter! Decatahwho? You fixin Coffee or something!? Naw Miss Nurse The Kid is not playing that game!!!! I grabbed that little bottle so quick like I Neo in the Matrix, Said a couple of Prayers and Said SELF!!! Oh God SELF LETS GET IT DONE SO I DO NOT HAVE TO FIGHT ANYONE IN HERE!!! cause they trying to decaffeinate me! LOL Soon as the nurse came back in the room I pointed to the bottle and was like there you go...enjoy! Save you inquisition tactics for someone else lady!
Doctor Byrne came by the next day to check on my status. I have not had a chance to mention it but Dr.Byrne is a funny dude who loves surgery!!! He tells me the surgery went well and that I my recovery should go good. This is the same man that last week when I was in the training room with one of the trainers Josh told Josh that he should come watch the surgery its going to be bloody! I say its going to be what then he tells me oh I mean its going to be cool! "WHAT" hold Doc! can not go from bloody to cool in one breath and expect me to believe the latter! Then he says in 12wks you will be back lifting and running! WHAT Did You Just Say DOC, 12wks!? You Told Me 8wks before I had the surgery! Then he said 8wks before I am able to lift and run and about 12wks before I am back at full strength! Ok Doc that's a little bit better! I told him to stop playing with me! He just laughed then says that Mike said he did not feel really better for 6 months!! I did not pay him any attention this time! I was suppose to be in the hospital for one night but he decided to keep me in another night to make sure I stay off my feet completely a little longer.
On Wednesday morning Dr.Byrne came in changed my badinage's and released me from the hospital. My sister Ulanka and Pastor Derek were both there to help me back to the OTC (Olympic Training Center). Both of them had actually visited me ever-day I was in the hospital! The nurse actually asked me would I prefer to get wheeled out or walk out? I said walk out before she could even finish her question. Thank God I am able to use crutches instead of being restricted to a wheel chair!
This is the first time in my life I have ever had to use crutches. Needless to say learning how to walk on these things around the OTC is definitely interesting. Some of the athletes from other sports who did not know I was having surgery thought I was playing around and could not believe that I was actually on crutches! I have never really been hurt so it was something new for them as well as myself. It is a humbling experience but it is not permanent and I know that GOD has given me the mental capacity, determination, and support I need to come back soon and better than ever.
I will continue to update you all on my progress as I get back to form but until then have a great week and Thank You For Your Support This Season!!!!
God Bless,
Jesse B
Little background info I am having surgery on both my lower legs for what has been termed "Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome". This lead to poor flexability in my legs, added with a loss of muscle stregth at different periods. Please try to hold of your basically the muscles in my lower leg got to big for the compartments that house them. The doctor went into my legs and cut away some of the fascia that encases my muscles so they can fully expand the way they need to.
After a night of dancing like it was my job It was off to Saranac Lake to have surgery performed by our team doctor Dr.Byrne!!! This is one of those moments where I know I need to get the surgery but not necessarily excited to have it. It was not the actual fact that I had to be cut open but more so the thought of not being able to walk and run on my power for a while, let alone not being able to really lift for 8 WEEKS! WE ARE TALKING 8 WEEKS HERE PEOPLE!!! I have NEVER gone 1 week without stepping in a weight room and doing something! So this whole 8 week thing is definitely going to be a little different for me to say the least!
In order to make the trip to the hospital easy or more, two of my older sisters Ulanka and Tina drove me to the Hospital. Well actually Tina drove and Ulanka sat in the back trying to figure out where in the boonies she was!! LOL Sorry Ulanka.....and she had a GPS UNIT! lol Guess getting lost runs in our family....well that is unless you talk to pops!! but he would not admit to it anyway, and I digress! Oh and for those who every wonder why I do not use the the semi-colon and the colon in my writing much at all it because nothing about me says Semi and come on the word colon speaks for its self and....its my email! SO HA!!! HA! HA! HA! THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! (giving full credit to the writers of 300....P.S I have no money to sue me for) But, I do admit it was cool having my sisters in the hospital with me! Save the Awwwwwwwwww's people "Seriously"
I checked in to the hospital on Monday 02, 2009at 8:30 am to receive the instructions of where I need to go for 10:40 am scheduled surgery. My sisters and I walked down to the surgery waiting room, shortly a nurse comes in and walks us down to one of those curtained off rooms with a hospital bed and a few chairs in it. Evidently the nurse assumed that one of my sister's was my wife or girlfriend because she offered them to stay in the room while I changed into my hospital garments....umm yeah my sisters let her know it was not that type of party!
After I changed out of my street clothes my sisters and the nurse all reentered the room. The nurse begins to tell me about options for anesthesia that are available to me. The first option was for me to be awake and administered an epidural that would numb me from the chest down, they would also place screen in front of my waist so I can not see the actual surgery. Second, was to be completely knocked out and a tube placed down my throat so I can breathe. YOU know what I am thinking....TUBE down MY throat? I can just see it now.... some med school student shoving a tube down my throat Screaming Out DOCTOR!!! I Need Some Help I Think The Tube Is Stuck On His Lungs AGAIN!! Naw Miss Nurse I will pass on that option. LOL The final option, was to be given a lesser form of sedation that would allow me to breathe without any assistance, and administered the epidural that would numb me from the waist down. I actually wanted the first option of being awake through the surgery, in talking with the nurse this was not an option since I was having both legs done. In the end I chose the third option.
The nurse continued to question me about my health history and etc. She asked if I had any other questions, which I really did not have since I had been talking to Dr. Bryne and my trainers all week. My nurse made the fatal error of thinking just because I.... did not have any questions that here job of answering was done! Poor Poor Nurse Do You NOT SEE MY SISTERS OVER IN THE CORNER JUST ITCHING TO ASK YOU EVERYTHING FROM HERE TO THERE!!! LOL I have to admit I was just waiting for my sisters to strike cause I knew they would! Now just for the record, NONE of my sister are soft by any means (One was in the Marines, One in the Army, One a school teacher you would not want to cross, and One who is currently a Chief in the Navy!) and they WISH....(They Have Dreams About People Getting Out Of Line Just To Give Them A Reason to Do Something) someone would try to get something over on their little brother! lol It was like watching a tag team wrestling match! My sister Ulanka (Navy) would ask a question and before the nurse could answer Tina (Army) would add a little bit and vice versa!!! It was brilliant, they even made the nurse go find a form that enabled family members to call in and ask intimate questions about my surgery and status. The nurse did not even know that such a form existed....How Great is That!!! I was Like What! Mmmmhhmmmm that's right I brought some SOLDIERS up in here with me today!! "SHOCK AND AWE BABE" "SHOCK AND AWE"!!! I guess God figured that I needed a little more humor in my life because after my sisters got done shinning the flash light in the nurses eyes, here comes the anesthesiologist! Yup Round 2 Babe! Actually, this guy was ready for the questions and was pretty happy to answer making it slightly less amusing but my sisters hit him up with questions anyway. The anesthesiologist repeated my different options about the surgery with a little more detail about the Anastasia I would be receiving. After he left Doctor Byrne came in marked on my legs information regarding the surgery answered a couple of questions, then reluctantly took my sister's camera so pictures could be taken of the procedure. These pictures can be viewed at on my "Media" page. The Minster of the North Country Ministries Pastor Derek Spain was also at the hospital with me before the surgery to keep me company and to say a prayer for me before I went in to play with Edward Scissor Hands! LoL I also thought that was pretty cool!
Once Doc left the anesthesiologist came back administered the anesthesia, then wheeled me into the operating room. Once in the operating room he asked me to move over to the operating table, had me sit up so they can administer the epidural and that is all I remember until I woke up! The Kid was OUT COLD!
Being that I have a sets of three stitches in each of my legs now I can only assume that while I was sleeping Doc did what he needed to do! The funny thing about waking up after surgery is that your vision is not really as clear as it should be. Personally for me I felt like I was in a dream sequence of some sort, I mean things are happening around me that I have no control over. I hear nurses talking to me and can barely make them out. I asked for water and a nurse rubbed some weird water filled sponge across my lips....Yeah exactly! I thought I was going crazy so I asked for water again! Sure enough she hit me the sponge! lol My throat is dry as the Gobi Desert and this nurse keeps hitting me the sponge! What is this all about. All I am thinking is you are so lucky I can not move my arms right now cause I would throw that sponge across the room so would make her head spin, and she would break her neck trying to get me a glass of water! Now to add to my feeling of craziness, someone thought it was a good ideal to have two nurses named Patty helping me as I come back to consciousness. So me being the brilliant person I am I asked these two women their names about five different times a piece, wondering why is the name the same but I SWEAR THIS WOMAN FACE IS CHANGING EVERY TIME I ASK HER WHAT HER NAME IS. Keep in mind I half way awake and the other half of me is playing in the field of dreams with Papa Smurf and He-Man! I do not know whats going on except in that in this new land I am all the water has turned into sponges, every woman has the same name!! lol
The nurses rolled me back to my room where I slowly start to phase back into reality. By this time my sister Tina and her family are on there way back home and my sister Ulanka was on her way back to the hospital. Ulanka had already made plans to stay in town till Thursday just in-case I needed anything after surgery! Pretty cool once again! At 4:30pm my mind finally decides to fully come back to this plane of existence, with my appetite bringing up the rear! I see one of the nurses in my room and I ask her can I have some food? She says to me" you just got out of surgery you should get some rest!" EXCUSE ME!? Does She Not Know I Have Not Eaten Since Last Night! I inform her that I have had plenty of sleep and I need some food because I have not eating anything since 12am the previous night! She complies and ends up grabbing me a turkey club from the Hospital Cafeteria. About two hours later I get a text message from my friend Julie letting me know that her and some of the other girls on the team are coming to visit me. Being that Julie knows my strict diet she asks.............SO, what do you want from McDonald's? YES!!! THANK YOU JULZ!! I would like two cheeseburgers, fries and a drink please! They show up with my McDonald's a pound bag of M&M's, and a bag of Gummie Worms!!!!! I am GOOD real GOOD right now! It was sweet that they came to hospital and chilled with me for a bit.
After they left one of the nurses came by and asked me if I had gone to the bathroom yet (bathroom being that little portable plastic container that they give men)? I told he no I have not yet gone. She tells me "You have until 11:30pm to go" Say what? What do you mean I have until 11:30.....I am like what happens at 11:30? She tells me that if I have not gone by then they would have give me a decatheter! Decatahwho? You fixin Coffee or something!? Naw Miss Nurse The Kid is not playing that game!!!! I grabbed that little bottle so quick like I Neo in the Matrix, Said a couple of Prayers and Said SELF!!! Oh God SELF LETS GET IT DONE SO I DO NOT HAVE TO FIGHT ANYONE IN HERE!!! cause they trying to decaffeinate me! LOL Soon as the nurse came back in the room I pointed to the bottle and was like there you go...enjoy! Save you inquisition tactics for someone else lady!
Doctor Byrne came by the next day to check on my status. I have not had a chance to mention it but Dr.Byrne is a funny dude who loves surgery!!! He tells me the surgery went well and that I my recovery should go good. This is the same man that last week when I was in the training room with one of the trainers Josh told Josh that he should come watch the surgery its going to be bloody! I say its going to be what then he tells me oh I mean its going to be cool! "WHAT" hold Doc! can not go from bloody to cool in one breath and expect me to believe the latter! Then he says in 12wks you will be back lifting and running! WHAT Did You Just Say DOC, 12wks!? You Told Me 8wks before I had the surgery! Then he said 8wks before I am able to lift and run and about 12wks before I am back at full strength! Ok Doc that's a little bit better! I told him to stop playing with me! He just laughed then says that Mike said he did not feel really better for 6 months!! I did not pay him any attention this time! I was suppose to be in the hospital for one night but he decided to keep me in another night to make sure I stay off my feet completely a little longer.
On Wednesday morning Dr.Byrne came in changed my badinage's and released me from the hospital. My sister Ulanka and Pastor Derek were both there to help me back to the OTC (Olympic Training Center). Both of them had actually visited me ever-day I was in the hospital! The nurse actually asked me would I prefer to get wheeled out or walk out? I said walk out before she could even finish her question. Thank God I am able to use crutches instead of being restricted to a wheel chair!
This is the first time in my life I have ever had to use crutches. Needless to say learning how to walk on these things around the OTC is definitely interesting. Some of the athletes from other sports who did not know I was having surgery thought I was playing around and could not believe that I was actually on crutches! I have never really been hurt so it was something new for them as well as myself. It is a humbling experience but it is not permanent and I know that GOD has given me the mental capacity, determination, and support I need to come back soon and better than ever.
I will continue to update you all on my progress as I get back to form but until then have a great week and Thank You For Your Support This Season!!!!
God Bless,
Jesse B
Friday, March 6, 2009
End of the Season, Start of A New Season
March 06, 2009
What up Everyone!!?
Well, it has finally happened! As of Sunday March Second the 2008-2099 season is over and now its the 2009-2010 season of as we like to say....are you ready? cause here it comes ITS OLYMPIC YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How did the year end you wonder well just sit right back and you will hear a tale, a tale of a faithful race, that started atop a mountain slope. The Pushers were there sledding Men the Driver brace and sure. For bobsledders set to race two days of four runs not more! Four Runs Not More! The track started getting rough, the bobsled hit the wall, and if not for the courage of the crew the bobsled would be lost. The Bobsled Would Be Lost!!! lol Ok enough of that I know.
Going in into four-man week unplanned events began to occur on our team. Since the start of the Second Half our crew has been John Napier, Jamie Moriarty, Corey Buckner and myself. Like any other team we had differences here and there but we worked past them, came together leading to some good results and great push times. As it is every year in our sport toward the end of a season, injuries pop up! During 4-man training week Corey pulled up two times in practice once we hit over-speed as we ran the bobsled over the crest. It turns out that his hamstring had been bothering him and he was not able to get up to full speed at the time. Once the problem was known our people in sports med went to work on Corey trying to get him back healthy to race Worlds, three days away. Unfortunately for Corey time and the importance of World Championships were not on his side. He was put through a series of test to see if he would be able to race. He performed well in the test but there was still to much doubt about whether he would be able to perform One Hundred Percent over two days of racing! The decision was made to replace Corey with Nick Cunningham the USA 1 alternate. In all honesty it broke the teams heart to have to replace Corey but it was a decision that unfortunately had to be made. We welcomed Nick to the team and started our race preparation. We made sure to let Nick know that he is one of us regardless of how he came to the team and that we had full confidence in his ability to perform.
We were able to squeeze in a full day of practice with nick the Thursday before the race. This was important in order for us to work on loading in the sled and getting settled as a team going into the first curve. If a team is not fully settled going in or the load is off it kills the sleds velocity going into the first curve, which in turn can multiply down the track whereby you may never actually reclaim that speed again.
After training we took the sled down to the Bodyne garage flipped her (Elanor our sled) upside down to allow her to dry for the night. In the breaking stretch Bobsleds pack in a lot of snow and ice into the sled once the breaks are pulled. We are able to get the majority of the snow out but flipping it upside down, placing a space heater underneath it helps with the drying out process further. On Friday the day before the start of racing we waxed the bottom of Elanor whiled she was still flipped, then flipped her down and waxed the top. We also added two more 10lb lead sheets to the sled in order to compensate for the weight difference between Nick and Corey which brought our sled up to a total of 50lb or more being added to it. We add weight to a sled to make sure the we're as close to the 630kilo(1,386lb) maximum that a 4-man team and sled combined is permitted to weigh. It is always better if the team members themselves are heavier that way they can race with a lighter sled, helping to make for faster push times while still keeping that maximum velocity down the hill. Being that Napier only about 187lb or so and Nick is 200lb we needed the weight to ensure the speed down the track unfortunately it does have a direct affect on the start times.
Also this marked a Gear occasion for me personally because it was the first time some of my family was able come see me race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My sister Ulanka flew out from San Diego, and my Sister Tina drove down with her husband Mark and their children my niece and nephew. They were here for the whole weekend!!!! I got a chance to show them around the training center, introducing them to my teammates, coaches and other staff members. We went up to the Bodyne garage to see how we prepare our sleds for racing. During the race they were lined up at the start SCREAMING!!!!! J B 3! J B 3! J B 3! IT WAS PRETTY COOL TO HEAR AND SEE THAT! Everyone had a really good time. My sister Ulanka was even able to stay till this Thursday to help me with anything after I have my surgery....I will come back to that!
Going into the race the order was by Overall World Cup Ranking so we went of 16th. This was not the best time to be going on in Placid since it had been in the 40's and 50's earlier this week making for less than desirable ice conditions, added with 15 four-man sleds going down before us chewing up the ice. Napier's fastest start time in four-man here is 5.19 we pushed 5.18 and 5.19 on the first day, two descent pushes but not as fast as we would have liked. The first run down was not a good run for us especially since this is Napier's home track, so we ended up in tenth position after the first run and held the same position after the second run going into day two. On Day two of racing we dropped our start times down to 5.15 and 5.16 marking the Fastest Napier had ever been at the start!
This was good for us a pushers especially considering how heavy(weight in the sled) we were running comparatively USA 2 pushed 5.12 with an empty sled! However our runs down the track were not that good and we ended up in 11th place overall. It was the highest Napier and us had finished in World Championships but we still thought we should have gone faster, because earlier this year with a start of 5.37 in practice Napier drove better and we had a faster down time. But hey sometimes things changes on race day and we were still blessed to finish the way we did! Also our teammates on USA 1 WON WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!!! THE FIRST TIME IN 5OYRS THAT AN AMERICAN CREW HAD WON A GOLD MEDAL IN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS AND THE OLYMPICS COMBINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Overall it was a great weekend for Men's and Women's Bobsled. We took Silver,6th, and 10th place in the women's race, we took Bronze in the men's two-man, Bronze and 6th in the Team Competition, Gold, 8th and 11th place in Four-Man!!!!!!
After the race was said and done we all sat down for a nice formal picnic. Lol Just playing!!!!!!!!!!!! we all went out for dinner, and dancing and all those great season ending festivities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a good night! I got my dance on BIG TIME because I knew the next morning I had to have surgery on both of my legs for the compartment syndrome that I have!
I will continue the surgery story in the next e-mail just to break it up and......................keep you wanting more!!! No it does not have anything to do with wanting you to visit my web-site for pictures under my Media section or my blog page more!!!!! That's just crazy talk! Straight Crazy Talk!
God Bless!
What up Everyone!!?
Well, it has finally happened! As of Sunday March Second the 2008-2099 season is over and now its the 2009-2010 season of as we like to say....are you ready? cause here it comes ITS OLYMPIC YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How did the year end you wonder well just sit right back and you will hear a tale, a tale of a faithful race, that started atop a mountain slope. The Pushers were there sledding Men the Driver brace and sure. For bobsledders set to race two days of four runs not more! Four Runs Not More! The track started getting rough, the bobsled hit the wall, and if not for the courage of the crew the bobsled would be lost. The Bobsled Would Be Lost!!! lol Ok enough of that I know.
Going in into four-man week unplanned events began to occur on our team. Since the start of the Second Half our crew has been John Napier, Jamie Moriarty, Corey Buckner and myself. Like any other team we had differences here and there but we worked past them, came together leading to some good results and great push times. As it is every year in our sport toward the end of a season, injuries pop up! During 4-man training week Corey pulled up two times in practice once we hit over-speed as we ran the bobsled over the crest. It turns out that his hamstring had been bothering him and he was not able to get up to full speed at the time. Once the problem was known our people in sports med went to work on Corey trying to get him back healthy to race Worlds, three days away. Unfortunately for Corey time and the importance of World Championships were not on his side. He was put through a series of test to see if he would be able to race. He performed well in the test but there was still to much doubt about whether he would be able to perform One Hundred Percent over two days of racing! The decision was made to replace Corey with Nick Cunningham the USA 1 alternate. In all honesty it broke the teams heart to have to replace Corey but it was a decision that unfortunately had to be made. We welcomed Nick to the team and started our race preparation. We made sure to let Nick know that he is one of us regardless of how he came to the team and that we had full confidence in his ability to perform.
We were able to squeeze in a full day of practice with nick the Thursday before the race. This was important in order for us to work on loading in the sled and getting settled as a team going into the first curve. If a team is not fully settled going in or the load is off it kills the sleds velocity going into the first curve, which in turn can multiply down the track whereby you may never actually reclaim that speed again.
After training we took the sled down to the Bodyne garage flipped her (Elanor our sled) upside down to allow her to dry for the night. In the breaking stretch Bobsleds pack in a lot of snow and ice into the sled once the breaks are pulled. We are able to get the majority of the snow out but flipping it upside down, placing a space heater underneath it helps with the drying out process further. On Friday the day before the start of racing we waxed the bottom of Elanor whiled she was still flipped, then flipped her down and waxed the top. We also added two more 10lb lead sheets to the sled in order to compensate for the weight difference between Nick and Corey which brought our sled up to a total of 50lb or more being added to it. We add weight to a sled to make sure the we're as close to the 630kilo(1,386lb) maximum that a 4-man team and sled combined is permitted to weigh. It is always better if the team members themselves are heavier that way they can race with a lighter sled, helping to make for faster push times while still keeping that maximum velocity down the hill. Being that Napier only about 187lb or so and Nick is 200lb we needed the weight to ensure the speed down the track unfortunately it does have a direct affect on the start times.
Also this marked a Gear occasion for me personally because it was the first time some of my family was able come see me race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My sister Ulanka flew out from San Diego, and my Sister Tina drove down with her husband Mark and their children my niece and nephew. They were here for the whole weekend!!!! I got a chance to show them around the training center, introducing them to my teammates, coaches and other staff members. We went up to the Bodyne garage to see how we prepare our sleds for racing. During the race they were lined up at the start SCREAMING!!!!! J B 3! J B 3! J B 3! IT WAS PRETTY COOL TO HEAR AND SEE THAT! Everyone had a really good time. My sister Ulanka was even able to stay till this Thursday to help me with anything after I have my surgery....I will come back to that!
Going into the race the order was by Overall World Cup Ranking so we went of 16th. This was not the best time to be going on in Placid since it had been in the 40's and 50's earlier this week making for less than desirable ice conditions, added with 15 four-man sleds going down before us chewing up the ice. Napier's fastest start time in four-man here is 5.19 we pushed 5.18 and 5.19 on the first day, two descent pushes but not as fast as we would have liked. The first run down was not a good run for us especially since this is Napier's home track, so we ended up in tenth position after the first run and held the same position after the second run going into day two. On Day two of racing we dropped our start times down to 5.15 and 5.16 marking the Fastest Napier had ever been at the start!
This was good for us a pushers especially considering how heavy(weight in the sled) we were running comparatively USA 2 pushed 5.12 with an empty sled! However our runs down the track were not that good and we ended up in 11th place overall. It was the highest Napier and us had finished in World Championships but we still thought we should have gone faster, because earlier this year with a start of 5.37 in practice Napier drove better and we had a faster down time. But hey sometimes things changes on race day and we were still blessed to finish the way we did! Also our teammates on USA 1 WON WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!!! THE FIRST TIME IN 5OYRS THAT AN AMERICAN CREW HAD WON A GOLD MEDAL IN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS AND THE OLYMPICS COMBINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Overall it was a great weekend for Men's and Women's Bobsled. We took Silver,6th, and 10th place in the women's race, we took Bronze in the men's two-man, Bronze and 6th in the Team Competition, Gold, 8th and 11th place in Four-Man!!!!!!
After the race was said and done we all sat down for a nice formal picnic. Lol Just playing!!!!!!!!!!!! we all went out for dinner, and dancing and all those great season ending festivities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a good night! I got my dance on BIG TIME because I knew the next morning I had to have surgery on both of my legs for the compartment syndrome that I have!
I will continue the surgery story in the next e-mail just to break it up and......................keep you wanting more!!! No it does not have anything to do with wanting you to visit my web-site for pictures under my Media section or my blog page more!!!!! That's just crazy talk! Straight Crazy Talk!
God Bless!
Park City Race Update and More
February 26, 2009
What up Everyone!!!!!
Really quick all of our races can be viewed for FREE at under the bobsled and luge link!!!! Or if you get the Universal Sports Channel. As usual I have posted pictures on my web-site
I appologize for being behind on my updates but it has been a little busy lately which is a very good thing! Well here is the recap of what has been going on....Come...Travel with me back in time to a long....long...time of three weeks and three WORLD CUPS ago in a Bobsled Far....Far....Far.......Far...............Far.............Far..............I can do this all day...........Far.............Away! lol
Still Further................Away!
The race in whistler got off to an ok start my teammates who race ended up taking 11th in the race. My driver drove really well but the start was next to the slowest start of the day, my driver was able to drive up but that is a long way to drive up from. The four man went a little bit better we finished 10th (which is always good especially when the USOC is seeing all there USA sleds finish in the top ten). It was a good runs and we were able to take a way some good things from the race, we had the fastest speed going into turn one which is a direct result of our start and well executed load, and we had the fifth fastest down time of the heat. This was good because it gave our driver John Napier a little more confidence going into Park City. The big thing was that the coaches were happy and so was our CEO, but in all honestly we just considered it to be a good start because we know we can be better!!!
After the race we do what we usually do and begin packing up the sleds to be shipped to Park City. Now packing the sleds is definitely not one of the more fun things we do in the sport of Bobsled but unfortunately its one of those things that has to be done. Why do you ask is this not fun? Well of course I will tell you don't be coy its ok. Directly after racing in about twenty degree weather and after the sun has fully gone making it around 5 degrees or colder we have brake down the sled in a snow covered parking lot. When we break down the sled we flip the sled upside down in order to take the runners off and put the transports on for shipping. Taking the runners off takes about five minutes or so but when you are tired from racing, your fingers are freezing because your adrenalin rush has run out, and you are starving it seems like it takes forever. Once we take the runners off we wipe of any remaining ice that may be left on the runners, then we place the runners in their perspective runner box.
We then flip the sled down pack it full of bags (we pack the majority of our bags in our crates to avoid overweight fees at the airport) or toolbox, stand, and runners. When the sled (2-man or 4-man) is about half way full (we only fill it half way to avoid making the sled to heavy to push into the crate) we push it half way into the crate then fill the sled up all the way and finishing pushing it fully into the crate. Next we pack up the scabboards, workmates, and any other equipment that we use. From there we usually head back to our hotel and prepare to leave in the morning for our next race.
Two ago weeks when we arrived in Park City the weather was really nice, the temperature was somewhere around twenty-five degrees or so. Yes I know to some that is cold but after you have been in twenty or thirty below like we were in Placid twenty-five degrees now feels like summer!!!! Now if you do not mind I will return back to telling my story....and please no more sighs and doubts about what I consider to be warm weather because if it continues this will be a really long e-mail! lol Oh and as it just popped in my mind on of my teammates Jamie Moriarty came up with a great ideal and way to name our sled!! We call her Elenaor! We took an ideal from the old World War II figher pilots who would place a picture of a model on the side of their Jets! So we did the same thing! IT LOOKS GREAT IF I DO SAY SO!!! I put pictures up on my web site.
In Park City, Utah one 2-man race and two 4-man races were scheduled. The extra 4-Man race was a make up race for the 4-man race that was canceled due to excessive amounts of snow in Cesana, Italy earlier this season. On Thursday February 12, my Teammate Corey raced the two-man race with John and and the start times were not where they wanted them to be and my team ended up in 20th place at the end of the race. But our spirits were still high because we know as a team we push better and have better results in 4-man. We were really geeked up (Extremely Exited and Pumped up) for the race and ready to got at the start! Our first push was a top 8 push which was ok but once again at the bottom we were not personally pleased and new that we have more speed in us. We talked about going faster and harder, quicker for the next heat. In hind sight it kind of reminds me of that saying "The best laid plans of mice and men" because our second push was respectively slower than our first push. This happened because at the start right as we were calling our cadence tons of people were still screaming and shouting for us, and we could not hear the final cadence that John was calling. This called the timing to be off between all of us when we went to hit (The initial movement when we all begin to run at the same time) the sled. Now don't get me wrong it is great when people cheer for us, but its kind of like 4th and 1 in a football game when the home team quarter back is trying to call the play. And the crowd is screaming really loud until the quarterback steps up behind center and then crowds knows to quiet down when the play calling starts. In bobsled its the same thing we love for everyone to be screaming at the top of their lungs while we are standing at the start but once we get set and begin our cadence we prefer if the crowd quiets down a little and then begin screaming again once we start running. Well needless to say we were not happy with our final result of 13th especially when we finished three spots higher the previous week.
That night we went over what had occurred and decided if a situation like that goes again that John would either scream louder or we would go off hand gestures to make sure we all hit the sled at the same time. It was not my best night sleep before a race but it did have me more motivated for the next day's race.
During the second 4-man race it was snowing pretty good during the race and before every competitive sled they were sweeping down the start. They do this because the snow accumulates in the start lines which causes for slower push times and could possibly cause the sled to pop out of the groves during the start. When our teammates from USA 1 were on the line the snow was beginning to slow a bit then it picked back up again after they went. Then in a act of Divine Intervention kind of like when God opened up the Red Sea for moses, God pushed away the snow clouds for us right as we got to the line!!! I am serious the snow had stopped and the sun began to shine!! All I was thinking was YES!!!! Thank you God this is what we needed especially all of the sled that usually finish in the top five or so had already gone down the hill, and we would know exactly where we stood when we got to the bottom of the hill! The start was good it was in the top 5 of all the pushes and John drove like a champ!!! and we got to the bottom we saw a 3 pop up on the down clock.....meaning that we were in Bronze Medal position after the first heat WE WENT CRAZY SCREAMING BECAUSE WE WERE IN THE MEDAL HUNT!! The video is pretty funny the Men's Head Coach Brian Shimer was going crazy at the top it was great! This is where we knew we could be at in every race and it was a great spot to be in. Once again at the bottom we all talked about pushing harder and faster just like we do after each first run, and this time we would not fall off like before...WE WERE DETERMINED TO GET THIS RIGHT! It had been too long since I had been in this position and for some of my team mates it was their first time in it. I WAS CHOMPIN AT THE BIT FOR THIS MEDAL!!!
Now, in World Cup Races their is about a thirty minute break between the last sled of the first heat and the first sled in the second heat. The second heat starts in reverse order so the the sled in last place goes first and so on. While we are waiting to take our second run we hurry and put our warm-up clothes on, flip the sled and grab equally distributed pieces of sandpaper from the FIBT (Federatin Internationale Bobsled and Tobogganing) Jury members for our runners. We do this because during the first heat the runners on our bobsled get scratches in them, sometimes they are worse than others but any scratch can cause the second run to be slower which is why we sand in between heats. After we are done sanding we wipe each runner down with acetone wipes to remove any residue that may be on the runner. Once that is complete we begin a second warm up in preparation for final run! This is a great feeling by the way because USA 1 is in 1st position and then, Latvia is in second and we are in third. So it is just our three sleds left alone the top of the hill, we are all sitting in medal position we just have to hold on to our spots. We get to the start and we are really geeked up....we all hit the sled at the same time and we are off!! Once again we have a good push and the ride is going pretty smooth. Then we hit the curve three and the sled just taps the wall! Not good! On this track an early bump will kill your speed at the bottom. So we get down to the bottom and as we are coming up the breaking stretch I am looking for that number 1 to pop up meaning that we are in 1st position until the next two sleds come down, it also means that we hold on to Bronze Medal position........And what do I see...I see the number 2! Yeah not what I wanted to see! We were now 7 hundredths of a second (.07) out of third place and sitting in fifth. It was one of those Bittersweet moments because we were so close to that Bronze but 5th was also the best result for my driver in his life!!! We were happy but still not completely satisfied...I know some of you all are probably thinking that we should be happy....But come on people this is SPORTS if you are not hungry for the number 1 Spot and every essence of your soul does not want it then this is not the place for you. I am greatly humbled for what the Lord allowed us to do in Park City, I also believe God has given us the ability to be number 1 and I personally want to see that come to fruition!
Needless to say we are excited to be going into 4-man at Lake Placid we are looking to put up some good times and we are looking to WIN!
On two other notes I was squatting the other day and it dawned on me that this would be my last back squat for a good 8wks because I will have my surgery on March 2nd so please say a prayer for me that it goes well and I recover quicker than expected. Also my father called me the other day and the police have caught the guy accused of murdering my cousin. Thank you all for your support in all that I have done even when it has not been anything sport related!
God Bless and Thank you all
Jesse Beckom III
What up Everyone!!!!!
Really quick all of our races can be viewed for FREE at under the bobsled and luge link!!!! Or if you get the Universal Sports Channel. As usual I have posted pictures on my web-site
I appologize for being behind on my updates but it has been a little busy lately which is a very good thing! Well here is the recap of what has been going on....Come...Travel with me back in time to a long....long...time of three weeks and three WORLD CUPS ago in a Bobsled Far....Far....Far.......Far...............Far.............Far..............I can do this all day...........Far.............Away! lol
Still Further................Away!
The race in whistler got off to an ok start my teammates who race ended up taking 11th in the race. My driver drove really well but the start was next to the slowest start of the day, my driver was able to drive up but that is a long way to drive up from. The four man went a little bit better we finished 10th (which is always good especially when the USOC is seeing all there USA sleds finish in the top ten). It was a good runs and we were able to take a way some good things from the race, we had the fastest speed going into turn one which is a direct result of our start and well executed load, and we had the fifth fastest down time of the heat. This was good because it gave our driver John Napier a little more confidence going into Park City. The big thing was that the coaches were happy and so was our CEO, but in all honestly we just considered it to be a good start because we know we can be better!!!
After the race we do what we usually do and begin packing up the sleds to be shipped to Park City. Now packing the sleds is definitely not one of the more fun things we do in the sport of Bobsled but unfortunately its one of those things that has to be done. Why do you ask is this not fun? Well of course I will tell you don't be coy its ok. Directly after racing in about twenty degree weather and after the sun has fully gone making it around 5 degrees or colder we have brake down the sled in a snow covered parking lot. When we break down the sled we flip the sled upside down in order to take the runners off and put the transports on for shipping. Taking the runners off takes about five minutes or so but when you are tired from racing, your fingers are freezing because your adrenalin rush has run out, and you are starving it seems like it takes forever. Once we take the runners off we wipe of any remaining ice that may be left on the runners, then we place the runners in their perspective runner box.
We then flip the sled down pack it full of bags (we pack the majority of our bags in our crates to avoid overweight fees at the airport) or toolbox, stand, and runners. When the sled (2-man or 4-man) is about half way full (we only fill it half way to avoid making the sled to heavy to push into the crate) we push it half way into the crate then fill the sled up all the way and finishing pushing it fully into the crate. Next we pack up the scabboards, workmates, and any other equipment that we use. From there we usually head back to our hotel and prepare to leave in the morning for our next race.
Two ago weeks when we arrived in Park City the weather was really nice, the temperature was somewhere around twenty-five degrees or so. Yes I know to some that is cold but after you have been in twenty or thirty below like we were in Placid twenty-five degrees now feels like summer!!!! Now if you do not mind I will return back to telling my story....and please no more sighs and doubts about what I consider to be warm weather because if it continues this will be a really long e-mail! lol Oh and as it just popped in my mind on of my teammates Jamie Moriarty came up with a great ideal and way to name our sled!! We call her Elenaor! We took an ideal from the old World War II figher pilots who would place a picture of a model on the side of their Jets! So we did the same thing! IT LOOKS GREAT IF I DO SAY SO!!! I put pictures up on my web site.
In Park City, Utah one 2-man race and two 4-man races were scheduled. The extra 4-Man race was a make up race for the 4-man race that was canceled due to excessive amounts of snow in Cesana, Italy earlier this season. On Thursday February 12, my Teammate Corey raced the two-man race with John and and the start times were not where they wanted them to be and my team ended up in 20th place at the end of the race. But our spirits were still high because we know as a team we push better and have better results in 4-man. We were really geeked up (Extremely Exited and Pumped up) for the race and ready to got at the start! Our first push was a top 8 push which was ok but once again at the bottom we were not personally pleased and new that we have more speed in us. We talked about going faster and harder, quicker for the next heat. In hind sight it kind of reminds me of that saying "The best laid plans of mice and men" because our second push was respectively slower than our first push. This happened because at the start right as we were calling our cadence tons of people were still screaming and shouting for us, and we could not hear the final cadence that John was calling. This called the timing to be off between all of us when we went to hit (The initial movement when we all begin to run at the same time) the sled. Now don't get me wrong it is great when people cheer for us, but its kind of like 4th and 1 in a football game when the home team quarter back is trying to call the play. And the crowd is screaming really loud until the quarterback steps up behind center and then crowds knows to quiet down when the play calling starts. In bobsled its the same thing we love for everyone to be screaming at the top of their lungs while we are standing at the start but once we get set and begin our cadence we prefer if the crowd quiets down a little and then begin screaming again once we start running. Well needless to say we were not happy with our final result of 13th especially when we finished three spots higher the previous week.
That night we went over what had occurred and decided if a situation like that goes again that John would either scream louder or we would go off hand gestures to make sure we all hit the sled at the same time. It was not my best night sleep before a race but it did have me more motivated for the next day's race.
During the second 4-man race it was snowing pretty good during the race and before every competitive sled they were sweeping down the start. They do this because the snow accumulates in the start lines which causes for slower push times and could possibly cause the sled to pop out of the groves during the start. When our teammates from USA 1 were on the line the snow was beginning to slow a bit then it picked back up again after they went. Then in a act of Divine Intervention kind of like when God opened up the Red Sea for moses, God pushed away the snow clouds for us right as we got to the line!!! I am serious the snow had stopped and the sun began to shine!! All I was thinking was YES!!!! Thank you God this is what we needed especially all of the sled that usually finish in the top five or so had already gone down the hill, and we would know exactly where we stood when we got to the bottom of the hill! The start was good it was in the top 5 of all the pushes and John drove like a champ!!! and we got to the bottom we saw a 3 pop up on the down clock.....meaning that we were in Bronze Medal position after the first heat WE WENT CRAZY SCREAMING BECAUSE WE WERE IN THE MEDAL HUNT!! The video is pretty funny the Men's Head Coach Brian Shimer was going crazy at the top it was great! This is where we knew we could be at in every race and it was a great spot to be in. Once again at the bottom we all talked about pushing harder and faster just like we do after each first run, and this time we would not fall off like before...WE WERE DETERMINED TO GET THIS RIGHT! It had been too long since I had been in this position and for some of my team mates it was their first time in it. I WAS CHOMPIN AT THE BIT FOR THIS MEDAL!!!
Now, in World Cup Races their is about a thirty minute break between the last sled of the first heat and the first sled in the second heat. The second heat starts in reverse order so the the sled in last place goes first and so on. While we are waiting to take our second run we hurry and put our warm-up clothes on, flip the sled and grab equally distributed pieces of sandpaper from the FIBT (Federatin Internationale Bobsled and Tobogganing) Jury members for our runners. We do this because during the first heat the runners on our bobsled get scratches in them, sometimes they are worse than others but any scratch can cause the second run to be slower which is why we sand in between heats. After we are done sanding we wipe each runner down with acetone wipes to remove any residue that may be on the runner. Once that is complete we begin a second warm up in preparation for final run! This is a great feeling by the way because USA 1 is in 1st position and then, Latvia is in second and we are in third. So it is just our three sleds left alone the top of the hill, we are all sitting in medal position we just have to hold on to our spots. We get to the start and we are really geeked up....we all hit the sled at the same time and we are off!! Once again we have a good push and the ride is going pretty smooth. Then we hit the curve three and the sled just taps the wall! Not good! On this track an early bump will kill your speed at the bottom. So we get down to the bottom and as we are coming up the breaking stretch I am looking for that number 1 to pop up meaning that we are in 1st position until the next two sleds come down, it also means that we hold on to Bronze Medal position........And what do I see...I see the number 2! Yeah not what I wanted to see! We were now 7 hundredths of a second (.07) out of third place and sitting in fifth. It was one of those Bittersweet moments because we were so close to that Bronze but 5th was also the best result for my driver in his life!!! We were happy but still not completely satisfied...I know some of you all are probably thinking that we should be happy....But come on people this is SPORTS if you are not hungry for the number 1 Spot and every essence of your soul does not want it then this is not the place for you. I am greatly humbled for what the Lord allowed us to do in Park City, I also believe God has given us the ability to be number 1 and I personally want to see that come to fruition!
Needless to say we are excited to be going into 4-man at Lake Placid we are looking to put up some good times and we are looking to WIN!
On two other notes I was squatting the other day and it dawned on me that this would be my last back squat for a good 8wks because I will have my surgery on March 2nd so please say a prayer for me that it goes well and I recover quicker than expected. Also my father called me the other day and the police have caught the guy accused of murdering my cousin. Thank you all for your support in all that I have done even when it has not been anything sport related!
God Bless and Thank you all
Jesse Beckom III
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